Monday 12 August 2013

Life's In The Way

Both my parents and Heather have reached out to chat and catch up, and I haven't been able to return their calls. I have been so busy lately that I feel like I am falling out of touch with everyone. I have been able to see a bunch of my friends over this past week but the visits feel rushed and I am often late or have to change/cancel plans. I have a contract with CSOL working on some Event Management things that I work on in the early evenings after I am done at the BIA and there seems to be lots of other little chores and life details that are getting in the way. I feel a bit overwhelmed. I miss having free time, I miss talking on the phone with my friends and parents, I miss reading, and I miss posting regularly on Always Standing.


Sweeton said...

Having spare time just ebbs and flows, it will return.

Unknown said...

No worries from my end - I'll be happy to catch up when you have time. :)