Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Art & Barbie

The Mona Barbie
(or Mona Lisa, Skipper, or Kelly...)

My only problem with this is that it there isn't enough of it!! The above image is part of a series called "Barbie Ma Muse." It is a small gallery that superimposes Barbie onto the vision of various well-known artists, by Jocelyne Grivaud. See the whole set HERE. I love Barbie!!


Anonymous said...

While 2010 was a record high, i notice that the 2011 was the year of a record drop in your blog posting. I feel as a reader who became less reliable in 2011 I have a role to play in this. I promise to "read on!" (-marcel the shell) in 2012! but in exchange can you post more photos/hilarious videos/some funny piece about eharmoney maybe? I leave it to your artistic license.

Anonymous said...

really can't stand Barbie!

Unknown said...

I love the Beatles one --- Pink Camping Car, classic.

I think it is interesting to note that in the older classics the women are quite a bit larger than Barbie...