Wednesday, 1 November 2006

CRISIS, Mouse Crisis, Part Three

I was watching TV late tonight, when Binx walked down the stairs carrying a half dead mouse by the tail in her mouth, she dropped it in the main hallway in front of me. I screamed, as per usual, and Ami came again to take care of it, she can't handle much more of this. I then burst into tears and have pretty much been crying since. I'm just so scared and alone, it is so hard to deal with by myself, I have no where to hide or place to escape, no one to hold me, comfort me, protect me. I can't handle this, I'm not strong enough. My mouse crisis has pretty much turned into a breakdown.


Unknown said...

oh sweety. You poor thing.
wish I could be there to help you.

The Scroggdogg said...

Don't worry! Its just a mouse