Wednesday, 18 March 2020

A Virtual Trivia Night

Our government has requested that everyone practice social distancing for a few weeks as the world deals with the coronavirus. I decided to run a Trivia Night over the internet to stay in touch with friends and provide people with some light entertainment for an hour or two. Last night a bunch of people logged in and it was a lot of fun!

I had read details about Google Hangouts incorrectly and we were only able to have 10 people at a time, so Jason had to run a second game at the same time (with the same presentation/questions) on Skype to allow more people to participate. I think I will run it again next week if we are still dealing with this isolation thing. It definitely is a lonely time, so many people around me are super stressed out and I am worried about the anxiety levels I am seeing in my friends and family. It is a strange time.

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