Tuesday 30 October 2018

Mildly Adventurous

Soooo, you want a low number - I guess that means you are more adventurous. I need to remember some of these for when I play this as part of a drinking game.

I am at SIX. Because I have never...
- Broken a bone (knock on wood)
- Been skydiving
- Had braces
- Given birth
- Gone scuba diving
- Been on a cruise
(Does having braces make you more adventurous?)

Let me know your number in the comments!! 


Sweeton said...

Six, but different from yours.

Anonymous said...

I am 6 or 7, I can't remember if I've ever been on TV or not. Otherwise I have never:
- broken a bone
- fired a gun (which I am very proud of frankly...why shoot something that is designed to kill human beings?)
- been skydiving
- gotten a tattoo
- gone scuba diving
- been on a cruise

Three of these relate to my fears of the deep ocean and heights. While I have watched Star Wars, I don't see how this makes you more adventurous.

- Teri