Monday, 24 February 2014

Car Dreams

As I mentioned before, for Christmas, Jason gave me a car racing game for the Xbox One, Forza Motorsport 5. One of the best parts of it is that you get to customize and decorate cars. (I doubt most people who play it would call it decorating though.) Here is the first one I made:

My Custom Hyundai Genesis
Photo of the TV, with Jason's phone

The 'decorating' feature has lots of number, letters, patterns, and logos to add to all different areas of the car, and using them is very very intuitive. This is especially true when I compare it to the things I am learning at the Photoshop Course, as that program is not very intuitive; this makes me appreciate Forza even more. Whenever I win, or buy, a new car in the game I can customize features and the paint job. I have decided that my entire fleet of cars will feature matte black paint jobs and then I will change up the designs and additions. (For example I added the red honeycomb pattern on this.) In real life, I have been admiring the Hyundai Genesis for a while now, it is definitely my favorite 'practical' car at the moment.


Sweeton said...

Hate the mattblack. love the honeycomb.

Anonymous said...

Photoshop not intuitive is definitely an understatement! Haha

- Teri