Friday, 24 January 2014

Follow By Email

Look Left! You can follow Always Standing by email. Mom does this with her blog, so I have added the feature as well. I don't know what it will do for stats (Google Analytics) since it would mean people read it in their email and not on the site, or maybe it just sends a notification when a new post comes up and then you still have to come here to read it. Either way, sign up! Like all notification email things, I am sure that it has an unsubscribe if it gets annoying. Especially since I am trying to post everyday. Though getting it emailed may expose those days when I do multiple posts and back date them. (Shhh, you didn't hear that.)


Sweeton said...

I believe it sends the whole post to the e-mail address. Don't know hoe it effects stats.

Sweeton said...

oops "how" it effects stats