Thursday, 9 December 2010

Actually Published

Just as I was leaving Justice another team was working on a large project, which my team helped a little with. It was a publication, a large magazine-like brochure for both internal and recruiting use. (Printed but also published online.) Since Justice takes many articling students, we often have people at job and student fairs, this publication is used to promote the Department.

I knew it was happening, it was pretty exciting, but I wasn't really involved. However, when it got printed I was told that my name was added to the list of writers at the very last second. One of the actual writers had used a profile I had done as a base for the larger profile for this publication, and she felt I should get credit. If you have ever worked in the government, the copying/using/revamping of other people's writing is just normal practice; I would not think twice of having someone use my work or using others, as all of it is just common and shared. Still, it was very nice to be included.

So I have my name attached to a true piece of published something or the other. As a writer! What is even cooler is that it has both an Cat. No. (no idea what this means) and an ISBN number (which I also have no idea about but I have at least seen before.) It is also copyrighted for 2010, to The Queen of course, as she owns everything a public servant does.


Erin said...

Oh your love for The Queen.

Anonymous said...

Congrats hotstuff!! :)
