Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Yes, It Is Snowing

This is so many people's Facebook status right now, something along the lines of how nice it was before, and how horrible it is now that it is snowing. I'm sure Twitter is alive with the same sentiment, though I don't have Twitter so I can't be sure. I don't understand how snow is worth all this talk, the weather is about the last thing I care about. I'm fairly indifferent to it, most days. It isn't even cold out, I don't understand the fuss. It is Ottawa, it is Ontario, it is Canada. It is early April. Sometimes its nice, sometimes it rains, sometimes it snows.


Erin said...

No way, I totally disagree. When I look out my window and the weather is crappy outside, I feel crappy inside. Snow in April after we've already had nice weather and stuff was starting to grow is like stealing candy from a baby...after you gave that baby candy.

Unknown said...

I agree with Erin.

Anonymous said...

Its Canada - this is commonplace.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the post!!