Sunday, 19 April 2009

Final Project

It has been a long time since I could say that I was working on a final project. My courses pretty much always have final essays, so I just call them that. However, for my British Literature II class, because I have already written 3 essays, I had the option of doing a fun assignment. The assignment was to write a series of letters between two of the characters in The Portrait of a Lady. I think I am the only person in the class who chose it so when I talked to the T.A. we decided together how to do the assignment. We agreed on 8 letters that had to show the progression of the characters that occurs in the novel. I went a little overboard. It ended up being 31 letters, plus a letter to the T.A. at the top of the pile. The letter for the T.A. explains the thesis I am trying to prove in the letters and tells him that I identified the 8 most important letters with a special symbol both on their envelopes and the letters themselves. Jerrica helped me put the pretty addresses and return addresses on all the envelopes and the entire project ended up taking me two all-nighters to finish. I think the final product is super adorable!


Fae said...

That's so awesome!

Unknown said...

It looks really good :)

Unknown said...

That's some great ribbon! hehehe

It sounds like a fun project!