Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Feeling No Guilt

I'm on campus at a library computer. I'm pretty much doing what I always do on library computers, checking my e-mail, going on Facebook, doing a blog post. I swear though, at least three times, I have overheard someone behind me say with annoyance 'Uhh, Facebook.' I am assuming that they are doing this because myself and probably a lot of my other peers sitting at these computers are on Facebook not in fact researching, doing projects, or writing essays. I chose to feel no guilt. I waited in line for my turn, I pay tuition, and in fact I have a laptop that I usually use when I'm on campus so don't normally take up the schools computers. I will not be guilted, shamed, or forced off before I had intended, which is in about 10-15 minutes when Anna gets off work so we can walk home together. Yes, it is true that I'm just on this computer to fill time and maybe I should be doing some readings and not wasting time on the internet. Damn, I feel guilty about that now.

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