Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Stupid Carleton

Seeing as this debacle attracted national media attention, I'm sure this is old news for everyone. I just hadn't really wrapped my head around how I felt about it. The Carleton University Student Association (CUSA) had voted to cancel our annual Shinerama campaign for cystic fibrosis, saying the disease mostly affects “white people, and primarily men,” and isn’t “diverse” enough for Carleton's continued support. This was badly researched and factually incorrect information. It obviously led to an outcry from students, alumni, and the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, all of which was reported by the local and national media. Carleton is not looking very good in the public eye right now. CUSA has since overturned the motion and decided to continue running Shinerama but some are calling for the member who brought the idea forward and the CUSA president to be impeached. I have always been a little weary of CUSA, coming into Carleton through engineering 'CUSA Sucks' is ingrained into my brain. Now, in light of recent events, I really think that they do 'suck' so impeach away.


Unknown said...


Donnie Northup, who tabled the motion, stepped down last night. But I doubt we'll see any remorse from Brittany Smyth.

CUSA does suck.

Anonymous said...

I also loath CUSA

Anonymous said...

Impeach Brittany Smyth!! They have NO concept whatsoever of what the students at Carleton want..


Unknown said...

Carleton looks so bad right now.
I am so glad I was never part of CUSA - go CSES!! WAHOO!