Tuesday 7 October 2008

Link Change

Steph has three blogs. How she keeps up with them all, I have no idea, I can barely handle this one. I had chosen to not feature her third blog on my site and instead had given a link to her Deviant Art page. I decided to change it up and instead of that, I now have a link to Stephanie Beach Photography to the right. Check it out. She is an amazing photographer and just got a wicked camera. She took the picture below of my favorite bird, a chickadee, isn't he adorable.


Unknown said...

Aww thanks.

Maybe now people will come visit my photo blog. :) haha.

(and the previous comment was removed by me because I am a dingbat in the morning and can't spell)

Anonymous said...

Steph's getting really good! I prefer to visit her deviantart page though haha
