Thursday, 28 August 2008

Not An Expert

I don't think that I have enough directed passion or specific enough education, so as to contribute to most of the everyday discussions around me. I have gradually noticed this over the past couple of years, it is especially prevalent at family gatherings where people spend long periods of time talking about Jazz, Canadian Theatre, Financial Matters, Sailing, Retirement, or Travelling. I am not informed enough to give very good opinions on these topics, and when I try, I end up looking like an idiot because everyone knows I don't know what I'm talking about. When I try to ask questions to get clarification about the more obscure references, everyone seems a little annoyed to be teaching said idiot and not just talking amongst each other. As I can't seem to successfully play the role of Respected Contributor or Keen Learner, I end up just being an Avid Listener, which slows my learning about the topics. It isn't even just the topics that crop up at these family gatherings, it is most conversations with people who are over the age of 12. I just don't know enough about Music, Cars, Politics, Science, Current Issues (the list goes on) to really add much to a conversation. I can pretty much hold my own when talking about Movies, but even then I haven't seen that many, and can never remember actors names. My degree isn't helping me become as well read as I had hoped. It is hard to have a literary discussion because I just haven't read enough. I feel I am just not knowledgeable enough about anything. For the most part, any conversation I'm having, I'm the person who knows less about what we are talking about. How did I become such an idiot? I know people care about me and love me, but how can they stand to listen to me talk about stuff I just don't know anything about?


Anonymous said...

To start with, you are not an idiot! You have been spending your life the last few years working, going to school and having some fun times with friends. You haven't chosen a hobby to become more knowledgeable about yet and you don't read a newspaper or news magazine to stay current. ACtually most people at your stage of life haven't yet got into those things yet. There are of course exceptions like your fencing friends who have chosen something to pursue but your actually not that far out of step with your peers.

Anonymous said...

I don't read any current events or watch the news and so my mother has to tell me everything that's going on haha
You always have something good to say anyway! I don't know what you're talking about.
It's cuz you're in Ottawa and people really know politics there (something I couldn't care less about at times) so obviously you would have trouble saying anything probably do way better than me on that score, since I just bullshit my way out of everything haha


Anonymous said...

Christine, how dare you call yourself an idiot! You have taught me so much these last three years. Do I have to remind of some of those Thursday nights? haha. You just need to hang out with the right people because I can guarantee you that whenever Taylor and I are around you will not be the idiot.

- First year K.

Anonymous said...

Chris, you always have stuff to say and you probably stay much more current than I do!

I have a feeling that most people can feel that way at times, I know I do!


Anonymous said...

I often feel that way, but really, I think it depends on who you hang out with. :)
