Wednesday, 11 June 2008

A Canadian Morning

The red and white beacon attached to an overhang signals not only a haven, but another new location; continually expanding with the hopes of efficiency and profit. Blurry eyed, I shuffle forward, only to quickly remember that some forms are not accepted. Cash is needed. I will visit a different locale along my morning journey. Not accustom to worshiping the morning fix, on my turn it is hard to know how much to have, and when to stop. Sweet soft rock sings from above and there is time to read the days news while sipping and drifting into a light daze. Upon leaving to further the commute I see a cup in every hand and the quiet pace that comes from early morning travel. More prestigious options are available and frequented, the main one hailing from the south, but is the fancy option worth the price? I will stay with my Canadian icon, as I love its universality. From the laborer to the executive, few feel too poor to purchase and yet the opulent still enjoy. I feel bonded to all and connected to our quiet national pride, through a coffee shop.


Anonymous said...

I agree!


Anonymous said...
