Wednesday 21 May 2008

The House Is Warm

We had a housewarming party for Die Höhle over the weekend and so many of my friends showed up. The place is too small for a big party with mingling, so you can pretty much stand or sit in the kitchen or gather around the coffee table. Not much was split on the carpet, and what was came from Jerrica anyway. A few people couldn't make it because they were away for the weekend. Though Taylor and Kristen, who aren't even living in Ottawa for the summer, were around and came over. Heather stopped by and Anne stayed until just before the buses stopped. Anna even dropped in for a bit, despite being in the middle of a fencing tournament. Dave and Steph were at the apartment for dinner first and stayed for the party. Dan and Justain stopped by later. Amanda, a co-worker from my Subway days and who still works there with Jerrica, came with her boyfriend. Em was around trying to choke down some wine and my cousin Carla was staying with me for a visit so she got to meet everyone. It was nice to see so many of my friends, and have them gathered in the new place. I hope we are visited by everyone often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha you're right, it wasn't exciting!
good post though, good post.