Wednesday 14 November 2007

Dark To Dark

I want to say that yesterday I was productive from dawn to dusk, but with the short winter days it was more like I was productive from dark to dark. I woke up at 5:30 to go to a 6:30am yoga class. My studio has classes at 6:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I want to start going all the time. I have made it to the last two. So I grabbed the 6:00 bus, head down for an hour and half class. Then I catch another bus afterwards (on the same transfer.) The bus doesn't take me all the way to work, I still have to walk a few blocks up the street, but I get in 10 minutes early. Then I worked all day, late actually as I was prepping for a few days in an other position. I'm currently filling in for an executive secretary while she is on holiday. I had a great lunch which I had brought from home, Chicken Cordon Blue and vegetables, out of the freezer and made for dinner the night before. After work I went to Carleton and watched a full lecture, then I walked home in the dark in time to catch House M.D. before heading to bed. It was such a productive day, I hope it continues throughout the week.

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