Monday, 1 October 2007

A Saturday In The Market

---Cost For A Night Out In The Market---
Predrinking Booze $5-$10
Predrinking Mix $2-$5
Bus Downtown $2
Cover $2-$10
1 Fancy Drink $6-$10
2 Bar Rail Drinks $10-$12
2 Shots $6-$12
Late Night Shwarma $5
Cab Home $10
-----Total $48-$76-----

Who can afford to go out and drink any more?

I went out this Saturday with no money and couldn't have any of these things, making me very sober and it hard to get home (direct buses stop running early.) This estimated total doesn't even including treating others, dinner beforehand or the pizza that you inevitably have later on when you get home. Mind you that is alot of booze so your looking at a night that goes from 7pm-4am. It has been a while since I really went out and partied, looking at the numbers, I now see why!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok this doesn't relate to the blog post but I just had a quick peek at the cute orverload site (guilty as charged) and there is a really cute bunny pic and a video of a kitten that you can't help but smile (OK giggle!) at.