I don't know who is going to provide the comic relief with The Boy Roommate gone and Anna is such a great friend I will miss her company so much. I know they are just around the corner, and we will get together lots. It just feels like the house is a little empty and lonely right now and I miss them so much. Time spent with Anna always feels too short. The time she was here before going to France wasn't long enough, the time I spent with her in Paris wasn't long enough, and definitely the time spent living together after she returned wasn't long enough either. I miss her, already.
i miss you too, i miss the house and likewise on the good friend count. As you say though we're still close by, Wes likely won't pass up an opportunity to look manly and fix something if you ask him nicely and who knows, maybe one of your new roomates will have a working phone and a kick as comforter they're not using.
Looking forward to our first Colonel by alum. movie night!
miss you too.
also one last thing, i love that photo in black and white it looks so much cooler that way.
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