Thursday, 5 July 2007

Urban Fiction Connection

At lunch today, one of the FSWEPers, Erin, stated that Hamilton, Ontario always reminded her of Mordor from Lord Of The Rings. The more I thought about it the more I realised how true that connections is. Oh Steel Town, how evil you are!


Anonymous said...

What is a FSWEPer?

Anonymous said...

Oh the Hammer...


Anonymous said...

FSWEP: Federal Student Work Experience Program :)
There are a couple of us that applied through our university. It is a way to get a government job that is somewhat related to our major/minor program at school.


Anonymous said...

I thought that too when I saw Lord of the Rings.
I actually spent part of my childhood in Sydney Nova Scotia, former steel town extraordinaire and home to the infamous "Tar Ponds" (700,000 tonnes of carcinogenic toxic waste from the steelmaking operations) and Mordor reminded me of it.