Sunday, 11 February 2007

Shattered Confidence

I screwed up socially again, and it is making me second guess how good I am at the whole social scene. Usually I feel like a total Social Goddess, but around him I always seem to fuck it up, now I'm second guessing myself all the time. Even wondering if the other weekend at Kristin's I was annoying and stupid, what if I'm just annoying and stupid all the time, and a select few people (Ami, The New Roommate, Teri, Steph, Em) think I'm great, and the rest of the time I just wander around pissing everyone off. Even my mother has told me I come across badly a lot of the time. I guess I know on some level that it takes a while to get used to my craziness, but I didn't think that was the case with everyone I meet, maybe it is.

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