Monday 20 October 2014

Ryan Saves The Day

I should actually say that ERin saved the day. After telling her I was having a "Meh day," over email since she lives in Edmonton, she tried to cheer me up.

"Do you need me to send you a collage of Ryan Reynolds abs?? I can do that. I don’t even have to make it, I have one on hand that I can just send to you."

It worked. I felt better. Thanks ERin (and Ryan)!


Sweeton said...

Whoa, that would make anyone feel better.

Anonymous said...

I really like the snorkel and water wings one the best :)


Jannedals said...

fuck she sent me this too during my worst week at Stantec (on the whole they were all mostly pretty awesome but that week was fucking terrible) and it made it so much better. Only The Rock could do more.