Wednesday 9 April 2008

Pretty Picture

This Arthur Lemon painting, The Wooing of Daphnis, was show in one of my English lectures a while back. (It took a long time for the prof to get back to me as to the artist and title.) I think it is beautiful. First exhibited 1881, it shows the nymph Chloë and her Sicilian herdsman in the Italian countryside, blissfully in love. In Greek mythology, Daphnis was the inventor of pastoral poetry. The story revolves around two children who are found by shepherds, grow up together, and fall in love. The original story is from 2nd Century Greece, but it has many adaptations and inspired art in all mediums. These pastoral pieces of art all depict the life of shepherds in a highly idealised manner. The painting makes me want to be a shepherdess, wear a sexy flowing toga, and be in Italy in the spring time.


Anonymous said...

Yeah and I bet the cows don't stink there or have those discusting soiled tails - what a cynic I have become!

Anonymous said...

I agree the painting is beauuuutiful!!!
Toga party!!
