Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Ad Banner!!

Yes, there is a glaring advertisement front and centre!!. (I'm a sellout - I'm also poor.) This choice comes from a long period of ad revenue coming in at under a dollar a month. So I moved the long vertical ad on the right side up, it is now above the huge list of Tags that I have going on for Always Standing.

I also changed a couple of other things in terms of format/template. I have moved My Links further down the page until I get time to update them. I have adjusted the look of the Blog Archive and I have moved the Search Blog Archive further down, since I think I am the only one who uses it.

These changes may not be permanent, just something I'm trying out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am protesting the Ad Banner Chris! It's flashy and distracting and takes away from your beautiful blog. However, I understand the money draw.

Love T