Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Needing To Photocopy

I try to avoid doing this but today I found myself comparing Carleton to Ryerson. I hate judging the two universities against each other. It is like comparing x-boyfriends; of course I do it, but I always feel bad about it afterwards since I loved them all once and our time together should probably be viewed as special or unique or something. It is the same with school; different universities have different values, administrative styles, campuses, and provide different experiences.

Today I needed to do some photocopying for class. I can tell you without even thinking twice about it that Carleton was way way way way better in terms of copy facilities for students. They were everywhere, they were manned by people who could help you, they were good quality machines, they were open all the time, and they weren't that expensive. This seems like an insignificant thing to start judging universities on, but sometimes the small things count too - it all adds up to the general experience.

I pretty much only spend time on my department's floor at Ryerson. While it has what appears to be a good photocopier it won't accept student cards, as it is reserved for staff and faculty. I went looking everywhere for places to do photocopying at Ryerson. There aren't many. They just group a few machines together in random locations. The entire library only has about 8 machines total and only one of them has the feeder at the top, which I needed, and this single machine was broken. All of the ones at Carleton had feeders. Printing and photocopying were things I did on campus without a second thought, never having an issue or worry. Today was a headache and stressful two hours running around trying to get stuff together for my class. I ended up paying for the actual printing shop to do it for me, thankfully it wasn't expensive but it did take a while, is situated across campus, and was just in general annoying to do.

Carleton - 1. Ryerson - 0.

1 comment:

Erin said...

" It is like comparing x-boyfriends; of course I do it, but I always feel bad about it afterwards since I loved them all once and our time together should probably be viewed as special or unique or something."

Love it.