Thursday 7 April 2011

So Cold

For the last couple of days Rrunuv Bayit has been freezing cold. Now I am always cold, though at the same time believe I should be able to walk around anywhere indoors in thin pajama bottoms, a tank top, and bare feet. Normally I don't have any problem in Bayit and it is a pleasant temperature. However, we only have one furnace for all three apartment, which is heated with water radiators, no one has a thermostat, I don't even know how it all works.

This morning sitting on the couch I am doing school work wrapped in a blanket. This does make typing a tad difficult and it is terrible to admit but I spent some time thinking that 'a snuggie' would be a good idea - my hands would be free to work on my laptop but I could still be totally covered by a blanket. I am ashamed to have considered it.


Anonymous said...

I actually think that is a good idea, given that your are always cold and do like to dress as if you are on a tropical beach. Maybe on the Xmas list, though that doesn't help with the current coldness. Have you talked to the other tenants? Maybe the furnace isn't working!

Unknown said...

NO SNUGGIES!!! Bad Chris!

Anonymous said...

Do I need to remind you of the imfamous "bear blanket" (Snuggie rip off) that I received from a certain father's girlfriend?