Friday, 4 February 2011

Have Car - Will Drive - Episode Three

The one with the carpool...
I went to Winterlicious this week with some of Teri's friends who live in Toronto. It is a two week event where Toronto restaurants offer a set menu and everyone goes out to eat at these fancy places for a little cheaper than they normally would be. I have always wanted to do it, Teri talks about it every year and I'm always very jealous. Anyway, I went with her friends and the food was incredible. But, connected to the car, the following conversation transpired:
M: Yeah, so I'm going to Ottawa this weekend.
Me: Oh my god, I'M going to Ottawa this weekend!
M: We should go together!!
Me: Yes, we totally should carpool!!!
K: Umm, except neither of you have cars...
I explained that while I don't normally, I did in fact have a car for the month. Over the week I have arranged the details with M and we are leaving together for Ottawa this evening. It is going to be great to see all the Ottawa people and so nice to have company and someone to share gas costs with on the drive.


Unknown said...


Erin said...

You are in Ottawa! Visit? Also, my phone is still dead.