Monday 25 January 2010

Russian Spam

Every now and then Always Standing gets a spam comment. It contains a link in it that leads to some site or another, and often the text doesn't make a lot of sense. The really bother my mom, however they don't really bug me. They are fairly infrequent, so when they show up I just go and delete them. (I don't want to put in the safety features to prevent them happening because I love comments and don't want anything to hold back people from writing something.) With the e-mail notification I always find out about them, even if they are posted on a very old post. So far mine have all been English, often bad English but English just the same. Steph was getting tons of spam, with Asian characters of some sort, so much actually that she had to close commenting for some of her posts. Today I got my first foreign one and it was Russian! I went and got the text translated on Babel Fish to double check. It is deleted now, but I was pretty excited to get it.


Unknown said...

What did it translate to?

Erin said...

I was wondering the same as Heather, also I get Chinese ones all the time but for the same reasons as you I don't want to put restrictions/verification on comments.

Anonymous said...

I agree- you can't just say you got a crazy russian comment and then not say what it is!! tsk. :)

ERin dans le Edmonton