MSN had a really neat
photo article called
Now & Then: Heartthrobs Through the Years. I could not believe that they listed Leo here as a "Then" as well as Freddie Prince, Jr and J.T.T.! It makes me feel so old. It was nice to browse through and drool a little though.
I think Leo is still a heartthrob! He just gets better with age, both acting and looks!
Agreed! I am in love with Leo. I had a period of indifference but fell in love again after Blood Diamond and The Departed.
I'm a little insulted that neither Johnny Depp nor Hugh Jackman are on there! I guess they're a little too serious for this list, not really heartthrobs.... Johnny's too weird for a lot of people, and Jackman's done mostly depressing and/or grisly movies. But still.
They're still heartthrobs for me though.
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