Sunday 25 January 2009


This weekend was Kristen's 22nd birthday. (So young!!) Taylor and Heather tend to call her Fristen, it was actually the name that was on her cake this year. They also sometimes call Heather - Feather but draw the line at calling Taylor - Faylor for obvious reasons. A big group of us went out drinking and dancing. It was so much fun, as was her party last year. I think January is actually a pretty good month to have a birthday when you're in university. Best wishes to her for a great 22nd year. She is now a palindrome!! Happy Birthday Kristen!!


Unknown said...

We definitely do call her Faylor, she just yells at us for it.

Unknown said...

BTW, you should post the BEST story of last night, the WHY I MUST HAVE SEX WITH YOU story.

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!

oh and I heard that story earlier today and think it is fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

I like "Faylor" just about as much as you would enjoy the name Fristine... minus the implication that you can never succees in life.
love, T

Anonymous said...

I meant that to say "succeed" of course. Thankfully I am just a journalism student and don't really need to know how to spell.