Saturday 9 February 2008

Media Magnet

I was recently surprised to find out that Anna went to Boston to help the Hilary Clinton campaign before this past week's 'Super Tuesday' primary. She spent last weekend in Boston doing this. In terms of American politics, I don't really care who gets in, as long as it is a Democrat, though I do love Hilary. My reasons are not the greatest, I like that; she is a women, she has a lot of political experience, she is married to Bill Clinton, and that she advocated for a better more socialized American health care plan for many years. Anna actually got to meet her (See Photo.) The entire weekend must have been amazing. To quote Anna, "It was pretty cool, the experience itself was awesome." And her little group got a bit famous too!! They were all over the Canadian press; Global, CTV (Canada AM), CBC Radio, Canadian Press/Toronto Star, The Sun, The Citizen, obviously Carleton and couple American papers interviewed them as well. You can see the Global National coverage here (Anna talks on the phone and is in the background a lot).


Anonymous said...

Thats amazing. I definitely support Hilary Clinton. She wants to abolish the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that the American military uses to keep its soldiers quiet about their sexual orientation. And the whole health care proposal is also fantastic. I really hope she wins!


Anonymous said...

hahaha, thanks I always love when you put me on your blog. There's actually a second one almost identical to the shot you posted that doesn't have me so blocked out.
Go Hillary!!