Friday 30 November 2007

Backwards Socks

I want to pass on some clothing advice. Not fashion advice, as I'm not near fashionable enough to do that. I don't understand fashion rules. White after labour day stuff is all so confusing, pretentious and contrived. (Though socks in sandals is never a good idea, never Dad, never.) What I want to tell you about is dressing, actually how to put the clothes on. Listen well my friends. If you put your deodorant on before your shirt (some people do it afterwards, they can ignore this advice) be sure to fold up the bottom 4 inches or so of the shirt before pulling it over your head. This way the deodorant rubs onto the inside of the shirt leaving marks there where no one can see them. I also want to pass on the inside out sock trick I learned from my Dad (yes, the one who also occasionally wears the dreaded socks with sandals.) He never actually sat me down and explain this, I just picked it up from watching him when I was younger. It was only recently that I realised not everyone puts their socks on this way. If the sock is right side out, just pull it on obviously. But, if it is inside out, instead of righting it and then pulling it on, use this trick. Dent the bottom a little bit and put the tip of your toe in, then roll it down over your foot and pull it up, it rolls itself out and goes on correctly. This will save you valuable time in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will definitely have to try the sock trick ;)
