Tuesday 3 September 2013


Summer weekends get so crazy! Jason and I have been very busy. I can't remember when either of got a day to sleep in, let alone a day when we both had time off together. With this last long weekend of the summer, I asked Jason if we could spend the entire Monday in bed.

I remember early in Jason and my relationship we could spend entire weekends in bed: talking, reading, fooling around, napping, watching TV, laughing, etc. I wanted to recreate that feeling; those days could turn into a full weekend and it was always such a joyful blur of time.

Well, a year later things are different, the day didn't speed by in a blur. I had a great time spending a relaxing day in bed, but I spent more time than I would have liked worrying about things I needed to do in the coming week, both for work and other things. A year later and the blur is gone, however, Jason is still amazing and I think I will always love spending a day in bed with him: talking, reading, fooling around, napping, watching TV, laughing, etc.

Time didn't blur but joy is still there.


Sweeton said...

good to hear.

Anonymous said...

Well put!

- Teri