Friday 27 January 2012

Snow Softly Falling

It is a beautiful Friday and snow has finally arrived in Toronto, mind you it isn't staying around. I get to sit in my office and look out of the big glass window (see Right) and watch the soft little flakes fall across a backdrop of deep red brick. I work in Liberty Village. In fact, I work FOR Liberty Village with the BIA (Business Improvement Association). I really love my office, both on a emotional liking of the work and work environment level but also at the physical architectural level. I can't even tell you how tall these ceilings are and I sit amongst exposed beams and brick. Very beautiful, very inspiring. It's easy to work for an area that you love.


Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful building, office and area. Very Toronto.

Unknown said...

Though I dislike Toronto in so many ways --- your building is pretty awesome.