Thursday, 20 January 2011

A Stepping Off Point

I have my marks from last term. They are not good. I am done being upset at myself over them as that took up too much of my time last year. A new year, a new semester, the turning of the proverbial new leaf. They aren't horrible-horrible, basically they say to me 'Umm, don't do a Ph.D. and start working harder and earlier on your assignments.' However, if you know MA programs, basically everyone lives in the A range, this was confirmed today when a guy in my class said, "Don't they have to give you at least an A-?" No, no they don't, and I am proof of that. I wish my learning curve was shorter, I wish it took just one bad mark on one assignment for me to get my ass in gear, but it appears as though I had to blow an entire semester to learn my lesson. (Admittedly the depression last term didn't help but that is no excuse, especially as I did not explain this issue to anyone at school, meaning I couldn't even use it as an excuse if I wanted to. However, I'm using it as a little bit of an excuse in my head.) This semester is going so well so far, all two weeks of it have been awesome! This term will be different! This one will be better!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you looked at my marks from the first semester of my MA, you would've told me the same things. But then I graduated with Distinction. For me, it took a while to get used to what they wanted from me (aka AN OPINION when everyone had told be for four years that my opinion didn't matter) and to the VERY independent learning style, which is definitely not my strength.

Like you said, it's a learning curve. It's also about finding what you really like, your niche, and doing well in that.