Thursday 4 November 2010

Measuring My Self Worth

I got a bad mark. I'm not going to tell you what it is because you might not think it is particularly low. However, there are strange new standards in a Masters and marks that were once a little disappointing are now much more devastating. I knew the Essay Proposal I was handing in wasn't particularly good. It isn't a form I really understand, having never had to purpose an essay before. This is no excuse. Because I left it to the last minute, I did not have time to create something to be proud of. It was poorly edited and put together in a rush.

I don't really feel like I have gotten into a good groove with school work yet. I am up to my old habits and they don't seem to work as well for me anymore. I need to step up my game and start getting the marks that really reflect who I am as a student. I know that I'm smart enough. Seeing the low grade did not make me question my intelligence. (While I'm sure a number of people in the program think I'm dumb, I know that I'm not.) What the low mark, and looming list of assignments, shows me is just how much work it is going to take to be successful. It is going to be tough to work hard at research and writing again but I need to and quickly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are awesome Chris! Low marks are common at the start of a new program, don't let it get you down.
