Monday 9 August 2010

Guest Writer - Travel - Steph

From Stephanie Beach, writer of The Great Abyss
Photos by Stephanie Beach Photography:

Dreams of Stonehenge

Ever since I was a little girl, I had been dreaming of visiting England. More specifically I dreamt of visiting Stonehenge. I wrote many essays and speeches on the subject read many books about the mysterious place. It wasn’t, however, until January 18, 2008 that I actually got to see it in person.

Chris and I went to London England for 10 glorious days (11 if you count the flights). We spent two of those days in Avebury and Salisbury – the latter of which is home to Stonehenge. We rode a very bumpy and nauseating double decker bus from the little bury up to the Salisbury plains. Everyone on the bus was looking out the windows to see who would catch the first glimpse of the stones. When they appeared in the distance I honestly felt like crying. It was such a powerful feeling that came over me – so much so that I cannot properly define it in words.
We got off the bus and purchased our tickets. We started walking along the tunnel that took you under the highway. It seemed incredibly long and eventually Chris told me to go ahead at which time I started to literally run as fast as I could. I spent a pretty long time at the stones, couldn’t tell you how long really as I was paying absolutely no attention to such things. Luckily, Chris was incredibly patient with me and watched the sheep that were all around the site while I took tons of photos and tried to take as much of it in as I possibly could. It was one of the greatest moments of my life and I really hope I can go back.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Christine, I realize that you are possibly heading to Moscow. Do take care of yourself, and get a face mask before you get there, if you can! I have no idea if news of the smog/smoke has reached you on your travels.