Wednesday 25 August 2010

Guest Writer - Mornings - Steph

From Stephanie Beach, writer of The Great Abyss:

Every Day

I am the Queen of routine! I thrive on them. In that regard, Dave and I do the same thing every morning in preparation for a long workday.
6:00am: First alarm goes off (buzzer). After two-three snoozes Dave gets up and showers. He then starts to play/read/watch shows on his computer.
6:31am: Second alarm goes off (radio). After approximately half an hour I get up and shower. Get dressed and do my hair after my shower (and stepping on the scale).
7:15-7:30am: Dave and I get going with breakfast and making our lunch.
7:45am-8:05am: Dave and I head out the door after brushing our teeth.
8:30am: Arrive at work and start getting paid.
It is the same thing every day and quite frankly, large deviations from this start to screw with my day.

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