Monday 10 May 2010

RIP Jenn - The Fish

I came into work today to a dead fish. It was quite sad. Jenn, the fish, is no more. I'm not totally surprised since he was doing pretty badly on Friday. I originally got Jenn when JennB left, I replaced her with a fish. It is interesting that today, JennD started work. So really I was never without a Jenn. I had a boy co-worker come up to help me flush it, since I hate dead things. A few of us stood outside the boy's bathroom and said some nice words. RIP Jenn.


Unknown said...

aw poor Jenn Fish.

(odd about Jenn D starting when Jenn F(ish) died who replaced Jenn B)

Linds said...

This is here.
This also makes me sad though I am not too shocked. Will you be getting another fish?

Curly Jenn said...

I wonder how many people will stand outside the bathroom door when I am flushed?