Monday 15 March 2010

Replaced With A Fish

JennB is gone. She started her new job today so isn't here. I have replaced her with a fish. (This is not really true, as I have been planning on getting a fish for my desk for a while now.) I had a "Cubical Fish" at NRCan, whose name at the moment I can't recall but everyone loved him. I don't think I'm actually allowed to have one here, and we have a bet going on as to how long before someone notices and tells me to get rid of him. He is a bright purple-blue Crowntail Beta, aka. Siamese Fighting Fish. The coolest part is the little aquarium I have from him which is very trendy. I have named him Jenn, even though he is a boy.

1 comment:

JennB said...

How I passed this by without commenting, I do not know. How is Jenn?