Tuesday 16 March 2010

A Homepage Switch

Ever since I got My New Pet (my Acer laptop) I have had what I think of as "Steph Homepages" which means when I open up my web browser there are multiple tabs which open as my homepage. (Steph has had this on her computers for as long as I came remember, I always thought it was so cool and advanced. Turns out it is really easy to do.) So for the last year and a half, they have been, in order, Carleton, Yahoo Mail, Facebook, Always Standing. I figured it was time, since I don't really need to use the Carleton website very much anymore, to get rid of it as one of them. I made the switch tonight. Now they are, in order, Always Standing, Yahoo Mail, Facebook. It was time to move on.


Unknown said...

Growing up so fast! *sniff!*

I still have the Carleton email in my quick links bar... occasionally I click it by accident. I really should get rid of it.

Unknown said...

Oh man, I drove through Waterloo today and got really nostalgic and almost sad. Sooo many memories came flooding back all at once.