Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Almost Grown Up

I spent the weekend at my cottage with a bunch of girlfriends; Kristen, Heather, Taylor, Teri, Jeska, and then an old friend from high school even showed up. My parents let us have the place all to ourselves, they visited for dinner one night but were away for the rest. The trip really made me realised just how grown up we are in someways but in others not so much.
Reasons why we are all grown up now....
-cooking portabello mushrooms and making chickpea salad for dinner
-drinking beer casually in the afternoon
-being a good enough driver to react and honk at a bad one
-talking about post-grad and masters programs
-planning a wedding that is actually going to happen in March
-four nice cars in the driveway, none of which was over 4 years old
-making coffee every morning
-complaining about jobs in government, heath care, and big corporations
Reasons why we still aren't really adults...
-having boiled hot dogs for lunch
-doing shots by the campfire
-going off and on the express lane in Toronto traffic confusion
-being grossed out and terrified by birth stories
-forgetting to water the plants
-doing an essay last minute
-eating cotton candy and birthday cake flavoured ice cream
-jumping in the waves, doing headstands and somersaults in the water
-playing drinking games
Maybe I actually have but I really just don't want to grow up and be an adult yet, even if I am already 25. I don't know if it is an age, lifestyle, situation, or state of mind but I hope adulthood stays away for now.

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