Today I climbed up Dunton Tower on campus. Yes, all 23 floors of it, (Though I took the elevator down.) The elevator only goes up to 22, but there is one extra staircase that goes up one more floor, to the roof I assume, I don't know since the door there was locked. It was way harder to do than I thought it would be. I was able to boot up it at a quick pace for the first 10-12 stories but then it was slower going after that. By the top I was a little dizzy and definitely breathing heavily. I wish I had a stop watch so I could measure how long it takes me, then I can try to improve my time. Now I'm just going to try to improve fitness level so that I can make it up quickly and not lose my breath.
I don't think I could do that...
that's awesome - congrats.
Well done, what a great way to get exercise in any weather. I would find it boring though. I'd be curious how long it took you.
You should do it the way the French Spiderman does it, way easier...
Wow that is insane. I used to take the stairs (because I was afraid of the elevator) to like the 10th or 11th floor and then I would swallow my fear and take the elevator because the idea of walking up those many stairs makes me want to eat a cupcake!
Love, T
That is pretty rad! I would do the same at my building but we only have 4 floors...I guess I will just have to do them over and over again!
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