Monday, 29 December 2008

The 'C' In Broken

Teri was typing conversations for me on MSN. I was wrapping presents and she was on my laptop when people started talking to me over Messenger. I asked her what they were saying and she typed my responses. I soon realized that people would know that while it was my words it was probably not me typing, as everything would have puncuation, capitals, and be spelled correctly. I started telling her to purposally put errors in the messages so it looked more authentic. At one point I asked her to type a sentance that had the word 'broken' in it and I said "Now go back and take the 'c' out of 'broken' so that it's spelled wrong," and she responded with, "Chris, it doesn't have a 'c'."


Unknown said...

hehehehe Oh, Chris.

Anonymous said...

Good times


Anonymous said...

Cute story, Chris!
