Thursday 9 October 2008

Back To The Gov

The golden rule for employment at the government is that nothing is final until you have signed the letter of offer. So until you have signed something, you don't have the job. I just got phone confirmation though and I'm taking it as I GOT THE JOB!! It is an FSWEP position with the Department of Justice that I was really excited about and waiting to hear back from. I start in a few weeks, if all the paperwork goes through.


Unknown said...

I am so glad you got the position! Congrats!!

Unknown said...

YAY! Kristen told me! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

YOU GOT THE JOB!!!!! Congrats! Although I shouldn't have to learn about this on an expired blog post. Congrats though! Sorry to hear about your shitty exam sced. That sucks.... but at least you're employed!
Love, T