Sunday 7 September 2008

Mouse Crisis, Part Seven

I haven't had to deal with mice in a long time. Die Höhle is pretty good and we haven't seen a mouse yet, many large and creepy basement bugs mind you. I am terrible with mice, it is totally an irrational fear, I know they can't hurt me but I just can't handle them. I spent a few days a Teri's cottage and they are having a bit of a mouse issue. Ter and her friends regaled me with stories of a previous guest supposedly waking up with mice on her in the middle of the night. I think the person was either lying or dreaming, but it still freaked me out. No drama the first night, though Ter said that she didn't sleep well because she could hear mice all night in her room. The second night, Ter's friend K and I heard one in ours. We freaked out and woke everyone up. Sure enough it ran out of the room a short time later, I watched it go from my perch standing on a couch. There was this sonic mouse repeller thing that we plugged in, in hopes of keeping K and my room free of mice for the rest of the stay and there were no further issues. But the damage had already been done, I was too scared to sleep well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know what it is about mice that makes 3 grown women stand on chairs. Thank god for K!
