Saturday 28 April 2007

Smile Of The Night

After a considerable amount of alcohol, on her part not mine, Taylor (previously known as WifeT) took my face in her hands and nearly made me cry. As I was doing my rounds, saying my goodbyes before leaving the party, she said things that I always wanted to hear. Looking me straight in my shocked little eyes she proceeded to explain that she checks and reads my blog every morning, and despite the fact that she thinks of the BlogChris as different from the RealChris, she loves the writing. Every time I tried to interrupted her speech she shhed me. Even if it isn't exactly true, it is still great to hear that someone thinks your a good writer. Tear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEY! Every word was true darling.... even if I was incredibly drunk and my head felt like it had split in two this morning. Your blog brightens my day! See you again soon. Love, WifeT