Tuesday 16 January 2007


Winter has finally hit our nations capital, and it has hit it hard. Lots of snow and cold cold weather. The New Roommate, The Boy Roommate, and I went to Canadian Tire and bought winter toys. We came home, grabbed Ami and went tobogganing at the beach. The hill is super steep and there were a number of other people there doing the same thing. Running up the hill after laughing all the way down was quite a workout. Interestingly, everyone who was there sledding was well over 16. Even though he says that no one plays in the snow sober after the age of 8, we had a great PG-13 time. We had two Crazy Carpets and a Multioggan, which in order to use with more then one person you had to get into some pretty interesting positions, alright, maybe it was actually an AA-14 evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time.