Wednesday 30 August 2006

I Can Be Cute

Drinks at 18eighteen with Ami. I ordered a Nights In White Satin, a white cranberry martini, since Cosmo said it was the new thing, also it was among the cheaper drinks on the menu. The very very thin waitress messed up my drink and used regular cranberry, so it was red and not white, she gave it to me, free of charge, and made the right one. Slightly tipsy, we headed home, I walked from the bus stop to the house without my shoes, because they were hurting my feet. I think I look a little like a librarian? Oh well, I was having a "Nothing To Wear" & "All of my clothes are either dirty or don't fit" Dressing Crisis, so I'm glad I was able to pull this night together and head out on the town for an hour or so.
"Nothing like two girls on a median."-Me, August 30, 2006

1 comment:

Kristin said...

This is a great picture of you! :)