Sunday 19 January 2020

Breakfast Of Champions

Sunday Mornin' Coming Down - A post about my Dad each Sunday, named after a song that he loved.

When I was in Ottawa at the end of last month, Steph mentioned that Dave had bananas on his breakfast cereal in the morning. I had totally forgotten about doing that! Usually I have a smoothie for breakfast in the morning. A pretty basic one: frozen fruit (either strawberries or peaches), soy or almond milk, a couple of scoops of protein powder. Now, if Jason is around to cut the banana, I have started to have Vector with (cow's) milk and bananas. I am loving it! When I was little, my dad used to cut bananas into 'coins' for me and often put them in cereal (usually Rice Krispies.) Reminds me of my childhood and makes me think about my dad.

1 comment:

Sweeton said...

He cut up your bananas into " coins" and pears into "boats" and his mother peeled his oranges for him. Its genetic, fruit pickyness.